Thursday, February 4, 2010

An Epiphany!!!!

So I've been reading up on lots of different approaches to training and relationship building with our equine companions.  Having learned my lesson that jumping on a single bandwagon no matter what even if your horse rejects said bandwagon does NOT work, I've decided to amalgamate some of the ideas that work with the philosophies that are milling about in my head these days.  Lately, I've been reading a lot about Carolyn Resnick Horsemanship from the Ground Up and her Ueberstreichen Exercises. I must admit, part of the interest is that it is great fun to SAY I am learning the Ueberstreichen Exercises, lol.  These exercises, according to Carolyn,
"...can be used on all horses no matter what level of training they have received. The purpose of the exercise are to enhance the forward expression of the horse’s gaits. They improve collected and extended gaits by giving the horse the ability to perform with ease. They support the horse’s way of going by removing locked muscles while simultaneously schooling the horse to respond correctly to rein and leg aids."  I am interested in these exercises because they are a way for me to focus my work from the ground (if you've read earlier entries, you'll know I was "grounded" with a tailbone injury in November). There is too much information to go into details here, but I encourage you to read up on them here: Intro to Uberstreichen

So last night, I went out to see Merle after work.  I went out and greeted her with neck scratches (her favorite so far) and cleaned out her hooves.  I observed silently from the ground for a bit settling in on my haunches...this made Merle wander over my way to ask just what the heck mom was doing on the ground!!!  After a bit of socializing, I put on her halter in prep to do some experimenting with uberstreichen.  We played a bit with having her stand on her own after I walked away, and following me on a very loose rein, stopping and changing direction whenever I did.  Then...we tried the first proper exercise.  In the first exercise, you stand in front of your horse, and loosely grasping on either side of the halter, gently ask for them to lower their heads and return to neutral.  The COOLEST thing happened - the minute I started moving her head, Merle gets this totally blissful look in her eyes. I think I have just discovered her relaxation button!!!!  I disconnected from the exercises, walked around with her and tried again.  She blissed out again!  I did this three or four times to make sure it wasn't a fluke... I can't wait to go out again and continue working with her.

Until then I leave you with this thought...

The eyes are windows to our the eyes of my friend I have found peace

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